
The mind is on my mind.

On the reboot post, I touched upon the disease of the mind and you wanted me to elaborate. To explain more, I'll share my understanding of the mind. I'm trying to communicate abstract ideas with language, so let me start there.

Isn't it amazing how people learn language? Kids seem to be able to imitate their parents and understand the meanings of all our gestures, sounds and postures. We aren't like parrots who can replicate a sound but dont understand. There's an emotional/intuitive knowing that appears in us without the need for explanation. Afterall, you can't explain a new word to someone with other unknown words.

Just try to feel and imagine what you're about to read, in your own mind.  

The mind is rarely silent. It's on autopilot just thinking thoughts. Things you need to do, maybe how to go about a task, judgements and evaluations on different subjects of your attention. Thoughts and evaluations about yourself, expectations or praise are frequently taking place without any real need or demand.

Even trying to sit with a silent mind is a challenge when you focus. In those moments of quiet you can only start to experience what the mind is. We're not our thoughts obviously, because we don't cease to exist when we're silent. We are the "thing" experiencing the thoughts, and senses. A consciousness integrated with a body.

Our consciousness has a will to exert. When we are no longer in control or free to will, that's less than ideal I'd say. The frequent chattering and murmuring of thoughts we experience is a disease of the mind. When you didn't will to think, but thoughts enter and make you feel stressed: that isn't healthy. Stress has real negative effects on the body. 

My mind fascinates me daily with it's delusions, confusions and ideas. Sometimes I'll be mulling over a plan, or how I can accomplish something...When I don't even need to or have the problem to begin with. My brain calculator likes to exercise, I guess.

Worst of all is when I have self defeating thoughts or just sad things floating around about things I cannot exert much or any will on. Sometimes we see the bad in our world and focus on how bad it is. We start to feel shitty. What can I do, how can I help? ... oh you can't? Then why is your mind tormenting you? Can you let go and be free? Is it good to share the feelings with the rest of the world? 

Observe your mind. The real you is behind the ego silently experiencing.  The laundry is ready; later! 


Blog Re-boot

Whut's up y'all. Fuck grammar. We(dave) fell off of the blog because it felt forced. We weren't writing to anyone. We were writing for 'everyone'. Hah - we all know that doesn't work; you can't please everyone.

I'm giving this blog thing another go. Frankly, I'm missing out if I'm not using the internet to my advantage to make some waves you know? This time, I'm writing to someone specific. This way I won't feel weird about who's reading this and can just communicate how I do. 

I don't have anything of 'value' to share with you. No 'top 10', 'tips $ tricks' or news even! This is what it's gonna be from now on. Me just shootin' the breeze in my corner. 

One thing that I'm wondering about is 'disease'. Nothing tangible really, but more like 'mental disease' ... Not like Alzheimer's, but more of thoughts. Everyone has these temporary mental poops that just make us feel frustrated, lost, confused, angry, obsessed, envious, spiteful the list goes on. 

Mental thoughts condense into the physical tangible world. Consciousness has 'imperfections' -- fluctuations, shifts. Seeing the neighbors' porch light flick on and off made me wonder what was causing it. It was temporarily diseased for some reason. It's high noon right now and there's no pendulum swinging in front of the motion sensor so I don't get it. 

Anyway, Cheers!