A patch of sun-bleached grass clings to scalding sand; while fields of succulent fingers joyfully waggle. Their chromatic skins glow at the peak of spring. Ice plant flowers floating for many hours, exuberantly ecstatic.
Cher Kalberer (b. 1981)
North Beach , 2018
8” x 8”

Cher Kalberer (b. 1981)
Uterus, 2007
Gouache & Wintergreen Xerox Transfers
36” x 24”

Cher Kalberer (b. 1981)
Islands in the Sky, 2020
Gouache, Ink
16” x 12”

Cher Kalberer (b. 1981)
The Internet, 2020
Gouache, Ink
16” x 12”

Perspectives in the plane, thoughts become reality. The will to see past paradigms unlocks floodgates of possibility. Named after California real-estate developer Joseph Eichler.
Cher Kalberer (b. 1981)
Eichler, 2020
8” x 8”

In the artist’s dream; she found herself sitting on an examination table… she noticed the nurse in the room was not human. Instead, a faceless chrome figure. Aside from a little rolling table with instruments on top, the room was bare. As the steel caretaker raised a squiggly pipette, the dreamer raised her finger toward the rounded mirror where the face would be. As she made contact with the reflections, they distorted into the soft skin.
The pipette is visible in the background of the painting, followed by brush marks of waking thoughts.
Cher Kalberer (b. 1981)
Pipette, 2020
16” x 16”

The genetic code can be seen as the most advanced known technology in the universe. We’re learning to harness its power and bend it to our hopes. If genetics was designed, perhaps it takes the concept of balance into account. If it is pushed too far, it pushes back toward equilibrium. “Life finds a way”, despite natural law, mankind will overstep failure toward the progress of its dreams.
Cher Kalberer (b. 1981)
Jurassic Park, 2019
12” x 16”

A patch of sun-bleached grass clings to scalding sand; while fields of succulent fingers joyfully waggle. Their chromatic skins glow at the peak of spring. Ice plant flowers floating for many hours, exuberantly ecstatic.
Cher Kalberer (b. 1981)
North Beach , 2018
8” x 8”
Cher Kalberer (b. 1981)
Uterus, 2007
Gouache & Wintergreen Xerox Transfers
36” x 24”
Cher Kalberer (b. 1981)
Islands in the Sky, 2020
Gouache, Ink
16” x 12”
Cher Kalberer (b. 1981)
The Internet, 2020
Gouache, Ink
16” x 12”
Perspectives in the plane, thoughts become reality. The will to see past paradigms unlocks floodgates of possibility. Named after California real-estate developer Joseph Eichler.
Cher Kalberer (b. 1981)
Eichler, 2020
8” x 8”
In the artist’s dream; she found herself sitting on an examination table… she noticed the nurse in the room was not human. Instead, a faceless chrome figure. Aside from a little rolling table with instruments on top, the room was bare. As the steel caretaker raised a squiggly pipette, the dreamer raised her finger toward the rounded mirror where the face would be. As she made contact with the reflections, they distorted into the soft skin.
The pipette is visible in the background of the painting, followed by brush marks of waking thoughts.
Cher Kalberer (b. 1981)
Pipette, 2020
16” x 16”
The genetic code can be seen as the most advanced known technology in the universe. We’re learning to harness its power and bend it to our hopes. If genetics was designed, perhaps it takes the concept of balance into account. If it is pushed too far, it pushes back toward equilibrium. “Life finds a way”, despite natural law, mankind will overstep failure toward the progress of its dreams.
Cher Kalberer (b. 1981)
Jurassic Park, 2019
12” x 16”